Storytelling has been described as an ancient art form,
a valuable (and valued) form of human expression. The Arts Council will share true stories, once a week, from writers who have a connection to Glen Rock and were invited to provide glimpses into their lives — and experiences. We hope they generate a spark of recognition or connection, and perhaps stir your imagination, too!. This art form is interactive!
Storytelling has been praised for giving meaning to our lives, helping us to empathize, do more, remember better — powers that make it so universal and flexible.
A new story every week. For those who plan to read our posts frequently, we'll archive them here and on Facebook if you ever miss one or want to catch up! Thank you so much for your constant presence.
Featuring stories told by Humans of Glen Rock, past and present. To read a story or get more info, click on any of our storytellers' photos.
If you'd like to share a story as one of our storytellers, email us at [email protected]